
Conference Proceedings and NAAC Requirements


Information on organizing and hosting academic conferences.
Details about upcoming and past conferences, including dates, themes, keynote speakers, and registration details.
Access to conference papers and proceedings archives


1. Significance of Conference Proceedings:

  • Research Output: Publishing papers in conference proceedings reflects the institution’s active involvement in research and innovation.
  • Visibility and Impact: Well-regarded conference proceedings can increase the visibility and academic impact of the institution’s research.
  • Academic Collaboration: Participation in and organizing conferences encourage collaboration with other academic institutions and industry bodies, a key factor in enhancing research quality.

2. Types of Conference Proceedings:

  • National Conference Proceedings: Papers presented and published in national-level conferences.
  • International Conference Proceedings: Papers presented and published in international conferences, which typically have higher visibility and academic recognition.

5. Documentation and Reporting for NAAC:

When submitting documentation for NAAC, institutions should:

  • Provide Evidence: Include evidence of papers presented, published proceedings, and details of conferences organized (brochures, participation details).
  • Indexing Information: Provide indexing details (if any) for conference proceedings where papers were published.
  • Quality of Proceedings: Mention the reputation of the conference organizers and the quality of the papers presented.

Example of Documentation for Conference Proceedings (NAAC):

  1. Title of the Conference: e.g., “International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computing (ICETC 2024).”
  2. Date and Location: e.g., “Held on March 20-21, 2024, at XYZ University.”
  3. Number of Papers Presented: e.g., “50 papers presented from various institutions.”
  4. Details of Publication: e.g., “Proceedings published by Springer with ISBN 1234-5678-9012.”
  5. Indexing Information: e.g., “Proceedings indexed in Scopus.”
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