Memorandum of Understanding
(Executed on _______)
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) executed between Lotus Research Foundation (hereinafter called LRF), an institution engaged in academic value enhancement activities, having its registered office at________________________________ and represented by ____________________, _____________________
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ herein after called XXX, represented by ______________, _____________
puts forth the following areas in which both the parties to the MOU will work together.
a) Faculty Development Programmes
b) Management Development Programmes
c) Seminars and Conferences
d) Book Publications/Book Chapter Publications
e) Journal Publications
f) Research/Consultancy Guidance
g) Student support
h) Certificate courses/Refresher courses/Workshops
i) Networking with other academic institutions & industry organizations for the knowledge and skill improvement of faculty members
j) Any other activity that is deemed fit for the knowledge/skill improvement of both faculty members and students on which both the parties agree.
The modalities of engagement in the above activities are as under:
LRF will arrange Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) in which faculty members of XXX will participate. Faculty members of XXX who are specialized in emerging areas of interest can come up with FDP proposals; LRF will in turn will arrange the FDP and promote it in such a way that it gains wider reach.
LRF will identify topics of interest in which there is demand for Management Development Programmes (MDP) by discussion with industry and academic experts. Once found suitable LRF will float the MDP. Academic experts in XXX, if interested and if they have the required expertise can come forward to be the resource persons for the MDP. If found suitable, LRF will assign the task of acting as Resource persons for the MDP to such persons. Faculty members of XXX will also participate in MDPs to get their knowledge/skill updated.
On similar lines as in FDPs and MDPs, LRF will come out with topics for seminars and conferences in which faculty members of XXX will participate. XXX can also suggest current topics for seminars/conferences and play an active role in conducting them.
Wherever financial commitment is required for attending the FDPs, MDPs, Seminars, Conferences etc., participants from XXX will be getting a discounted fee as compared to other attendees.
LRF has its own journal publication division, through which faculty members of XXX can publish their research articles. While quality of the research article will be the criterion for acceptance of an article for publication in the journal, faculty members of XXX will get priority in scrutiny of their articles, which will reduce the time taken for publication considerably. LRF will on its part, take efforts to get the journal indexed in popular citation databases. Faculty members of XXX will also receive concessional treatment in the fee prescribed for publication.
LRF will help in identifying experts (both from the academia and industry) who can offer valuable guidance for the faculty members of XXX who are pursuing their research work for Ph.D. LRF will act as a link between the researcher and the expert in successful conduct of the research work on the terms agreed between the researcher and the expert.
LRF will identify activities that will support the students in their overall growth and come out with suitable programmes in which students of XXX can actively participate.
LRF will identify the need to short-term certification courses/refresher courses/workshops which will contribute to value addition to the faculty members and also to the student and will float such courses. Faculty members and students of XXX can participate in such courses for improving their credentials. The fee chargeable to the faculty members and students of XXX will be subsidized. If a team of faculty members of XXX comes out for conducting such value-added certification courses on emerging areas of interest, LRF will arrange for promoting and conducting such courses.
LRF will assist the faculty members of XXX in book publication/ book chapters publication on mutually agreed terms.
LRF will assist XXX in preparing proposals for getting funding support for research projects/studies from Government/other funding agencies on mutually agreed terms. LRF and XXX can also work together in consultancy projects whereby, XXX will provide solution to industry/society related problems.
LRF will share details of faculty members of the institutions with whom it has entered into similar MOU, thus providing a platform for academic interactions, collaborative research works, joint publication of articles etc., based on their areas of interest.
Other than what has been specifically explained above, LRF will conceive of any activity that will benefit the student and teaching community in their upliftment and XXX will take active participation in all such endeavours of LRF.
When LRF and XXX come to an understanding to be partners in any such activities as outlined in this MOU, the parties will exchange separate letters of offer and acceptance outlining the terms of the agreement and the modalities of the conduct of such activity/programme.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this MOU, in duplicate, by their duly authorized representatives herein mentioned, on the date, month and year first written above.
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For Lotus Research Foundation For XXX