Title: Unveiling the Essence of Flow Diagrams and Functional Decomposition in Advanced ECE & EEE Projects Jan 01, 2025 0
Workshop Data Form Name of the Faculty handling the Workshop: Email id Contact number (Whatsapp) University/College/Dept. associated with Title of the Workshop Domain that the proposal belongs to Engg Commerce Management Maths Science Arts Others (specify) Indicate the sub-domain Electrical/Electronics IT Civil Mechanical Finance HR Marketing Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Literature Language Social Science Others (specify) Potential Participants Students Faculty members Industry Professionals Proposed Duration of the Workshop Mode of Delivery (online/off-line/ hybrid) online off-line hybrid Is the Course content (PPTs, Reading Material to participants etc.) ready? Yes No Tentative start date for the Workshop Any other thing that you want to convey : Upload a brief proposal indicating the scope of the workshop, the likely participants and anything that you want to convey about making the workshop successful. Date Upload your Signature→ Submit